As the coronavirus outbreak continues to evolve and with the government’s mandate for a community lock-down, we don’t have any choice but to stay at home for the time being. Classes has been suspended and work has been called off in private and public establishments.  People are encouraged to just stay at home to prevent the further spread of the virus.

Coronavirus Outbreak Lockdown

Being in a community lock-down situation shouldn’t have to feel like you’re in a prison-cell.  Let’s look at some things you can do that could turn this dire situation into a more productive and a somewhat positive circumstance.

  1. Netflix and chill.
    Binge-watch those Netflix movies or Korean series that you’ve been putting on hold for so long. Now you have all the time you need to start and/or finish CLOY (Crash Landing On You) or some of the new Netflix movies your colleagues have been talking about during lunch.
    Watch Netflix to pass time during the quarantine period.
  2. Learn something new.
    Read a book. Learn to play an instrument. Study the stock market (for when things resume). Make sure your brain is fed and healthy.
  3. Enrich your industrial skills.
    Learn a new hobby at home like gardening, cooking, or baking!
    Work in your front lawn or backyard and plant some veggies. Not only is it organic, it’s also healthier. Try and learn how to make ketogenic meals.
  4. Spend quality time with your family.
    Take a break from social media and connect with family members. This is the time to create meaningful conversations. Eat together, share some of your skills with them, or do a movie night.
    Spend time with the people you love.
  5. Share your positivity with the rest of the world.
    Write blogs and/or record vlogs. Just create meaningful content. Author some “how-to” blogs or document your month-long quarantine; it will be a very memorable and possibly become a funny video later in the future. 10 years from today, you‘ll look back and tell your kids how you were able to survive the virus.
  6. Tidy up! Declutter!
    Take this as the best opportunity to clean your place and get rid of some extra things that doesn’t spark joy anymore. Watch some Marie Kondo on Netflix for some tips. You’ll be surprised with all the extra space you can free up in your closet.
    Tidy up and exercise in the process!
  7. Keep fit.
    Exercise or do yoga. This month-long quarantine of meditating and exercising will do wonders for your fitness journey.
  8. Pray.
    God will not allow something bad to happen to His people. Trust in Him and we will get through this together, with God’s help.

Let us make the most out of the Coronavirus outbreak situation and become better people at the end of it. Keep safe and stay healthy!

8 Things To Do During the Coronavirus Outbreak