Before asking which to buy, you have to consider your needs. Would you be using it to keep your appliances or electronic devices functioning on a weekend outdoor trip? Or do you just need an emergency power supply for use during power outages? Especially if you have kids, a food business or is working from home, choosing the right device will help you get through these difficult times.

Power Stations and generators can both help by providing you with hours of extra juice wherever and whenever you need it. If you’re looking to buy and is considering buying a Portable generator or a Power station, read on and know which one to buy.

What’s better? A portable generator or a Power station?

Portable generators are portable versions of gas/diesel powered generators which are still much too noisy for most people, so it kinda defeats the purpose of it being small because you still need it to place it outside the house, or far from your tent. Whereas powerstations are very quiet, aside from the low level hum that you’ll hear whenever it’s on full load. Nonetheless, for prolonged power outages, gas/diesel powered generators, even portable ones, are still better, than electrically dependent Power stations.

Portable generator or a Power station? Which is right for me?

Essentially, power banks are specifically designed to charge small to medium-sized electronics. They have USB ports and some have DC (or direct current) outputs – which can charge laptops and other similar electronics. On the other hand – power stations have all of the above, plus one or more AC (alternating current) – which is capable of not just charging, but also continuously powering any type of electronic device; even appliances like electric fans, rice cookers, and even small refrigerators. It’s a plug and play set-up, meaning, it’s very easy to use and is very convenient. It’s also very portable and one might even put it inside their bags. There’s not much maintenance for this as well. If you need to power up bigger appliance loads, you can opt to but a power station with a bigger capacity. Price ranges anywhere from P4,000-P35,000.

On Charging and Maintenance

Power stations are different from generators because you charge them using electricity – from your wall outlet. Generators feed on gasoline or diesel. Generators may also be quite expensive especially if you’ll be running it for hours. Generators also need to be maintained – meaning, even if not in use, you have to run it at least once a month. Because it’s a machinery, you need to have the oil changed at least once a year. You also need to have diesel or gasoline in storage, in case you suddenly need to use it. One more thing about using a generator is that you’ll need someone to operate it. Unless your generator is always on- or is connected to your power source that automatically operates in case of power failure. Portable generators, depending on the load capacity, may range anywhere from Php6000-Php40,000. Choose a good brand that may last you for a while.

Essentially, power stations share the best things about power banks and generators. One of the differences is generators has a bigger load capacity. Generators, even the portable ones, are bigger and heavier.

Power stations, on the otherhand, is quieter than a generator. The problem is when you ran out of power, you’ll need to wait for electricity to charge it again. Although there are already versions which has car battery ports and solar panels, which you might also want to consider when buying one. If you would like to see what kind of appliances of electronics a power station can power up, check on the video below.

There’s a lot of different brands and models of powerstations. Check on powerstation prices here.

Have you decided on which to buy yet? Remember, it would always depend on your appliance requirement. Knowing the pros and cons of each will give you a better sense of deciding for yourself.
