How to Earn from Your Rental Business

How to Earn from Your Rental Business

For the average Filipino, you are most likely getting by in life with the paychecks that you earn from your day-to-day job. Jobs can be draining. Plus, they usually only earn you enough to simply get by in life. This is why people turn to earn passive income. Some...

To Buy or To Rent? Is renting a waste of money?

To Buy or To Rent. The age-old dilemma that many grapple with when considering what would be best for them. Essentially, if you’re only going to use an item a few times, and your personal gain from it does not reach the level of money you spent buying it, then you’re...
Earn Money by Renting

Earn Money by Renting

Did you know that you can earn money by renting? Do you still have that suit you bought to attend your cousin’s wedding?  Or that designer dress you bought for your senior prom?  When do you think would be the next time for you to be able to wear that...